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- (SELECT (CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1895=1895) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)|
- (select*from(select+sleep(7)union/**/select+1)a)
- (select*from(select sleep(0)union/**/select 1)a)
- (select*from(select sleep(7)union/**/select 1)a)
- (SELECT 5706 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(5706=5706,1))),0x7178706b71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATI
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- 123456'and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0:7
- 123456/**/and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0:7'/**/
- 123456/**/and/**/2=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE('g',0)
- 123456/**/and/**/2=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE('r',7)
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- Activate sim card
- Australia 35
- Iridium 9560
- iridium 9603
- iridium edge
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- Iridium rockstar
- phone number
- Reconnect my sat phone
- Search entire store here...%' AND (SELECT 2648 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(2648=2648,1))),0x7178706b71
- Search entire store here...%' AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN
- Search entire store here...%' AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113) CHAR(118) CHAR(106) CHAR(122) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN
- Search entire store here...%' AND 1950=7270 AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%' AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5)) AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%' AND 5597=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)|
- Search entire store here...%' AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5) AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%' AND 7188=7188 AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%' AND 8381=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8381=8381) T
- Search entire store here...%' AND SLEEP(5) AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%' ORDER BY 1-- qevj
- Search entire store here...%' WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' AND '%'='
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND %28SELECT 2648 FROM%28SELECT COUNT%28%2A%29%2CCONCAT%280x71766a7a71%2C%28SELECT %28ELT%282
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 1065%3DCONVERT%28INT%2C%28SELECT CHAR%28113%29%2BCHAR%28118%29%2BCHAR%28106%29%2BCHAR%2812
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 1950%3D7270 AND %27%25%27%3D%27
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 4968%3D%28SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP%285%29%29 AND %27%25%27%3D%27
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 5597%3D%28SELECT UPPER%28XMLType%28CHR%2860%29%7C%7CCHR%2858%29%7C%7CCHR%28113%29%7C%7CCHR
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 6065%3DDBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE%28CHR%2869%29%7C%7CCHR%2898%29%7C%7CCHR%2889%29%7C%7CCHR%
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 7188%3D7188 AND %27%25%27%3D%27
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND 8381%3DCAST%28%28CHR%28113%29%7C%7CCHR%28118%29%7C%7CCHR%28106%29%7C%7CCHR%28122%29%7C%7CC
- Search entire store here...%25%27 AND SLEEP%285%29 AND %27%25%27%3D%27
- Search entire store here...') AND (SELECT 2648 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(2648=2648,1))),0x7178706b71
- Search entire store here...') AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN
- Search entire store here...') AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113) CHAR(118) CHAR(106) CHAR(122) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN
- Search entire store here...') AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5)) AND ('CeXJ'='CeXJ
- Search entire store here...') AND 5597=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)|
- Search entire store here...') AND 5839=1862 AND ('pdMk'='pdMk
- Search entire store here...') AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5) AND ('QAcT'='QAcT
- Search entire store here...') AND 7188=7188 AND ('IcHa'='IcHa
- Search entire store here...') AND 8381=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8381=8381) T
- Search entire store here...') AND SLEEP(5) AND ('oDHe'='oDHe
- Search entire store here...') ORDER BY 1-- OPZB
- Search entire store here...') WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' AND ('WGhc'='WGhc
- Search entire store here...' AND (SELECT 2648 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(2648=2648,1))),0x7178706b71,
- Search entire store here...' AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113) CHAR(118) CHAR(106) CHAR(122) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN (
- Search entire store here...' AND 1131=5674 AND 'xaAo'='xaAo
- Search entire store here...' AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5)) AND 'uOga'='uOga
- Search entire store here...' AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5) AND 'ySjo'='ySjo
- Search entire store here...' AND 7188=7188 AND 'zaet'='zaet
- Search entire store here...' AND 8381=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8381=8381) TH
- Search entire store here...' AND SLEEP(5) AND 'nwMB'='nwMB
- Search entire store here...' ORDER BY 1-- ZLqD
- Search entire store here...' WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' AND 'pXae'='pXae
- Search entire store here...) AND (SELECT 2648 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(2648=2648,1))),0x7178706b71,
- Search entire store here...) AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113) CHAR(118) CHAR(106) CHAR(122) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN (
- Search entire store here...) AND 3212=1234 AND (8494=8494
- Search entire store here...) AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5)) AND (2896=2896
- Search entire store here...) AND 5597=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||
- Search entire store here...) AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5) AND (4463=4463
- Search entire store here...) AND 7188=7188 AND (6857=6857
- Search entire store here...) AND 8381=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8381=8381) TH
- Search entire store here...) AND SLEEP(5) AND (2488=2488
- Search entire store here...) ORDER BY 1-- GZKB
- Search entire store here...) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' AND (6637=6637
- Search entire store here... AND (SELECT 2648 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(2648=2648,1))),0x7178706b71,F
- Search entire store here... AND 1065=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113) CHAR(118) CHAR(106) CHAR(122) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1
- Search entire store here... AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5))
- Search entire store here... AND 4968=(SELECT 4968 FROM PG_SLEEP(5))-- YgIw
- Search entire store here... AND 5597=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||(
- Search entire store here... AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5)
- Search entire store here... AND 6065=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(69)||CHR(98)||CHR(89)||CHR(82),5)-- BKNc
- Search entire store here... AND 6369=8231-- AmpN
- Search entire store here... AND 7188=7188
- Search entire store here... AND 7188=7188-- nxWp
- Search entire store here... AND 7863=6387
- Search entire store here... AND 8381=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(106)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8381=8381) THE
- Search entire store here... AND SLEEP(5)
- Search entire store here... AND SLEEP(5)-- FwTT
- Search entire store here... ORDER BY 1-- eJms
- sim
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- webinar february 3